Sao Paulo is one of the few cities in the world which has prohibited traditional outdoor advertising. The result is it has helped make the Brazilian metropolis one of the best places to check out street art with hundreds of large-scale murals painted on the facades of tall buildings. Matt Fox-Tucker from Buenos Aires Street Art went to explore Sao Paulo last week and took these photos.

Murals by Felipe Pantone & Okuda created for NaLata Festival in Säo Paulo (photo © BA Street Art)
Säo Paulo is Brazil’s biggest city with a population of more than 11 million people. If you want to check out the best murals in different neighbourhoods, it’s a good idea to visit with plenty of time and use public transport due to the traffic jams and problems moving around the city. This mural (above centre) by Spanish street artist Okuda was created for NaLata Festival in 2023.
Pinheiros is a good neighbourhood to check out murals by top international street artists like Vhils, Okuda San Miguel, Felipe Pantone, PichiAvo and Sheperd Fairey. Many of the large scale murals here were curated by NaLata Festival that secured permissions to paint the buildings and walls plus secured sponsors for the paint, materials, cranes and artists’ fees.

Artwork by Vhils in Pinheiros (photo © BA Street Art)
Portuguese street artist Vhils was invited to create a stunning relief artwork near Largo da Batata, Pinheiros for NaLata Festival in October 2023. It features six portraits of different people as a tribute to the diversity in Brazil.

Pichiavo mural in Largo da Batata (photo © BA Street Art)
Spanish artists Pichiavo were invited to paint this mural (above) for NaLata Festival in 2021, located overlooking the main square Largo da Batata off Brig. Faria Lima. The artwork features the iconic sculpture Aphrodite de Milo that was discovered in 1920 by a Greek peasant and is now held in The Louvre in Paris.

Mural by Felipe Pantone in Largo da Batata (photo © BA Street Art)
Felipe Pantone is another Valencia-based artist who took part in NaLata Festival. He painted this large scale mural (above) located on Avenida Brig. Faria Lima 628 in 2022.

Arlin Graff (photo © BA Street Art)
Mural by Arlin Graff curated by NaLata Festival in 2022 that features a jaguar that is a symbol of nature and biodiversity in Brazil and South America.

Cartoon characters by Chivitz in Pinheiros (photo © BA Street Art)
All around Pinheiros, you can also find many high quality artworks on a smaller scale painted outside bars, pubs, restaurants and private properties like this one (above) by Chivitz whose cartoon characters can be found all over the city.

Mural by Andy Alvez (photo © BA Street Art)
This mural (above) by Andy Alvez relates to meditation, energy and chacras. To see more photos of murals in the neighbourhood, check out our blog post about street art in Pinheiros
Beco do Batman

Graffiti by Binho in Beco do Batman (photo © BA Street Art)
Beco do Batman or Batman’s Alley is perhaps the best known neighbourhood to tourists for street art. It’s common to see large tour groups and visitors posing for selfies and photos in front of the colourful walls and buildings.

Batman artwork by Evol in Batman Alley (photo © BA Street Art)
Batman-themed artworks can also be spotted all around Beco do Batman.

Aerosol art featuring The Joker from Batman (photo © BA Street Art)

Mural by Highraff, Narcelio Grud, Milo Tchais & Prozak7 (photo © BA Street Art)
In our opinion, Batman Alley is a bit of a tourist trap but nonetheless a cool spot to check out urban art and there are lots of bars, restaurants and galleries. Click on this link to check out our blog post about street art in Beco do Batman
Minhocão Park

Mural by Pardalone in Minhocão Park (photo © BA Street Art)
Parque Minhocão is an area of Säo Paulo centred around a 2.8km elevated highway that is closed to traffic between 8pm and 7am during the week and also at weekends, allowing access exclusively to pedestrians and cyclists. The idea of the ‘elevated park’ is also to prioritise the quality of life of residents in neighbouring Minhocão. Many of the facades of the buildings close to the motorway flyover are decorated with murals by local and international street artists.

Paulo Ito mural in Minhocão (photo © BA Street Art)

Mural by Tec in Säo Paulo (photo © BA Street Art)
Traveling into and around Säo Paulo in a car can take hours. This mural (above) by Argentine street artist Tec relates to the traffic congestion and the numerous flyovers, tunnels and underpasses in the city in the form of a human figure. The traffic situation is so bad that helicopters can be seen flying all over the city and a number of buildings have helipads on the roofs.

Murals by Hanna Lucatelli (photo © BA Street Art)
Two striking murals by Hanna Lucatelli can be seen from Praça Roosevelt. They are accompanied by the phrases: “Everything that is immense inhabits me and welcomes me, I am a galaxy of possibilities.” And: “Have you ever realised that we are infinite?”
Centro Historico & Avenida Consolaçāo

Mural of Ayrton Senna by Eduardo Kobra (photo © BA Street Art)
Eduardo Kobra is one of the best known street artists in Brazil. One of his most iconic murals is a portrait of Ayrton Senna painted in 2015 depicting the three-times Formula One world champion who died after his car crashed into a concrete barrier while he was leading the 1994 San Marino Grand Prix. This mural is located at located on Rua Consolação, 2608.

Photo showing traffic in Säo Paulo with mural by Mauro Negri in the distance (photo © BA Street Art)
Another striking mural on Rua Consolaçāo is one painted Mauro Neri featuring a native Brazilian woman looking into the distance with the message ‘Vera Cidade’ meaning ‘True City’. The artist has revealed that the mural, sponsored by São Paulo Ministry of Culture, was inspired by women who have played an important role in his life and also relates to issues such as gender, structural racism and social equality.

Mural by Tot PDF crew (photo © BA Street Art)
Another large scale mural on Rua Consolação is entitled ‘Ave Grande’ by Tot PDF Crew curated by Spray For Life that features a Hyacinth Macaw.

Mural by Mona Caron at 2223 Rua Consolaçāo (photo © BA Street Art)
San Francisco-based street artist Mona Caron painted a beautiful mural entitled ‘Live by Light’ on Rua Consolaçāo in 2020. Her murals often feature the “rebellious resistance of weeds”.

Mural of Brazilian singer Elza Soares on Rua Consolaçāo (photo © BA Street Art)
Also on Rua Consolaçāo next to the fire station is a giant portrait of Elza Soares that was inaugurated in July 2023 as a tribute to the late Brazilian singer who died aged 91 in Rio de Janeiro. The original mural, created in 2020, suffered wear and tear and was renovated by visual artist Felipe Cama. It’s based on an image by photographer Frâncio de Holanda.

Rabbit mural by Kueio on Rua Consolaçāo (photo © BA Street Art)
As well as large scale murals, many cool artworks can be found along and off Rua Consolaçäo and around the Centro Historico.

Artwork by Cranio by Consolaçāo metro station (photo © BA Street Art)
While exploring the city of Säo Paulo, you do need to take care with a camera. What is also striking is the amount of people sleeping rough and also occupying abandoned buildings. This artwork by Brazilian artist Cranio (above) next to Consolaçāo metro station features the head of one of his blue characters on a plate – similar to John The Baptist – with the message ‘PRATO$ DO DIA’ or ‘Dishes of the Day’. This presumably refers to the problem of poverty in SP with many people not able to afford a basic meal. Inside the entrance are more artworks in the passageway named ‘Passagem literária da Consolação’.

Tutankhamun mask painted on shutters in city centre (photo © BA Street Art)
We also found this cool artwork of a Tutankhamun burial mask painted on these shutters in Sao Paulo city centre.
Avenida Paulista

Mural by Kobra of Oscar Niemeyer on Av Paulista (photo © BA Street Art)
Along one of Säo Paulo’s most famous avenues, Avenida Paulista, you can marvel at its impressive skyline and modern architecture. Brazil’s most famous architect is Oscar Niemeyer. Located at Av. Paulista 48, Eduardo Kobra painted an iconic portrait of Niemeyer in 2013. As you can see (in the above photo) the mural has faded considerably. One Brazilian street artist, who didn’t want to be named, told us that Kobra has a bit of a monopoly over government mural projects. In fact, there are so many large scale murals by Kobra in the city, we’ve chosen to include just a couple in this article.

Collaboration by different street artists in a tunnel near Avenida Paulista (photo © BA Street Art)
Such is the amount of graffiti and street art around Säo Paulo city that even tunnels, bridges and underpasses are painted. Chivitz’s cartoon characters can be found on columns under motorway flyovers, bridges and in tunnels like this one at Avenida Paulista.

Artworks in tunnels can be found all around the city (photo © BA Street Art)
Street artists such as Branco Peretti and Chorao Uer have teamed up to paint artworks in tunnels around the city.

Artwork by Lucianno Alacantara (photo © BA Street Art)

Pichação & cartoon characters painted by different artists (photo © BA Street Art)

Parrot painted by Vickman under a freeway (photo © BA Street Art)
There are many locations around Säo Paulo where street artists and graffiti artists have brightened up the grey concrete columns under flyovers and motorways.

Artwork by Sick & 2MIL (photo © BA Street Art)

Toucan by Vickman (photo © BA Street Art)
All photos © Buenos Aires Street Art