Our tours will show you the artistic side of Buenos Aires and the biggest murals by world famous street artists in areas that aren’t in the tourist guidebooks. Buenos Aires Street Art has organised more than 250 murals around the city and funds received from our tours help support future mural projects.
Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday starting at 2pm visiting neighbourhoods in the northwest part of the city with murals by the likes of Fintan Magee, Alice Pasquini, Kiptoe and Martin Ron. Duration 2 hours 30 mins. Price US$20 or AR$20,000 pesos per person. To book this tour go to our tour booking calendar below. Takes a couple of minutes and meet up details will be sent to you automatically. Or email us at info@buenosairesstreetart.com

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I recommend everybody visiting Buenos Aires to consider BA Street Art Tours as it will be really a great experience. Moreover, if you’re lucky, you can have the chance to see an artist at work! – Lucia Esposto, Italy
Having written a book on street art in BA you would be hard pressed to find a guide more in touch with what’s going on. I work with a lot of street artists in London and it was refreshing to come half way round the world and see such passion here! If you choose any tour make sure it’s this one. – Sam Mills, London
We saw a very different side of Buenos Aires that most tourists probably wouldn’t even think to see. I’d recommend it to everybody who is living here, or just passing through. – Andrew Gardiner, Australia
If you have an interest in art of any kind then I can’t recommend this tour highly enough. It was fascinating and the guide’s enthusiasm and huge knowledge of his chosen subject made the tour one of the best experiences of our month-long trip. – Fiona and Trevor Wilson, Scotland
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