Zumi completes great panda design in Villa Crespo

Zumi was back in Buenos Aires a couple of weeks ago and finally finished her amazing designs featuring five Giant Pandas on the walls of a bookshop in Villa Crespo. One side of the building includes a colourful mountain scene featuring four pandas.

zumi street artista callejero buenos aires buenosairesstreetart.com muralsPandamonium

BA Street Art published photos a few months ago after Zumi completed the first phase of  the project and also painting a design featuring a Himalayan mountain scene above a wool shop in Villa Crespo. You can check out the mural on the corner of Av Scalabrini Ortiz and Jufre.

zumi panda muralista buenos aires buenosairesstreetart.com muralesPaw relation

martina zumi pandas street artist buenos aires buenosairesstreetart.com muralsChina in your hand

zumi pandas street artist buenos aires buenosairesstreetart.comFlower power

zumi street artista pandas buenos aires buenosairesstreetart.comPantastic four

All photos © Buenos Aires Street Art

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