Valencia is without doubt one of the best cities in the world to check out murals and graffiti and being…
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Blu mural in Buenos Aires gets new look

A mural painted by Italian street artist Blu in Buenos Aires in November 2011 that was later defaced has been…
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Better by bicycle mural by Blu in Milan

Blu has painted a brilliant mural in Milan, Italy at Lambrate railway station depicting a series of giant bicycles riding…
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Blu mural in Buenos Aires covered over by new apartments

A mural painted by Blu in Buenos Aires has recently been covered over during the construction of new apartment blocks…
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Controversial mural by Blu in Buenos Aires vandalized with graffiti

The giant mural painted by Italian street artist Blu in Buenos Aires featuring thousands of figures with their eyes covered…
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Blu round up of his best new murals on his latest trip to Buenos Aires

Blu has painted some stunning murals during his latest trip to Argentina confirming why to many he’s the best in…
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Escif mural mocks inflation in Argentina

Spanish artist Escif completed three impressive murals on his trip to Buenos Aires and Buenos Aires Street Art has photos…
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Blu paints another great new mural in Buenos Aires

Blu has painted another stunning new mural in Buenos Aires. Exclusive photos of the new artwork by Buenos Aires Street…