Mario Calvo has painted a series of new murals of Yoda from Star Wars in Buenos Aires over the last couple of weeks in the barrio of Palermo where he lives. He told BA Street Art why he likes to paint the Jedi Master.
Star Wars graffiti by Mario Calvo painted last week
“Yoda radiates calm and what one searches for in life is peace and tranquility”, Mario revealed. “The murals are all about the times we live in because everything is getting faster and faster and I was looking to reflect on this with a connection to Yoda’s personality.
Yoda in Palermo painted two weeks ago
Feeling the Force
Mario also painted a series of new E.T. graffiti a couple of weeks ago that happened to coincide with the 30th anniversary of release of the classic Steven Spielberg movie.
E.T. at Godoy Cruz and Paraguay
Check out more of Mario’s artworks at