Members of the DSR crew that formed in 1998 and friends got together to celebrate their 23th anniversary last month…
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Graffiti artists paint at Central Cutural Recoleta

Graffiti artists Dame, Teko, Dano, Nerf, Cabe and Ice were painting new artworks at the FDL Jam event at Centro…
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Seth Globepainter street art in Buenos Aires

French street artist Seth Globepainter is in Buenos Aires and painted this new collaboration with Shonis, Nerf, Dano and Isag…
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Meeting of Styles 2012 in Buenos Aires day three

Street artists were painting some brilliant new artworks at Meeting of Styles 2012 “All in One” in Barracas on Saturday….
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New graffiti and street art at Tecnopolis, Buenos Aires

Several graffiti and street artists including Dano, Juan Abba, Ene Ene, Oncho, Dinamita, Tiny, Lucas Grotesque and Pastel finished new pieces at Tecnopolis,…
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Asado Burners in Buenos Aires

Jaz, Ice, Nerf, Dano, Shonis, Isag, Mart, Nacho, Maur, Zear, Tues and Australian street artist Palms painted a giant wall on…
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Dano, Nerf, Shonis and Isag paint Villa Crespo bus depot

Graffiti artists Dano, Nerf, Shonis and Isag hit the bus depot in Villa Crespo yesterday and painted some pretty cool…