New mural by Ever and Mr Kern in Villa Crespo

Ever has just finished a great new collaboration in Villa Crespo with Mr Kern featuring a portrait of Mao Tse Tung and a portrait of Ever himself.  Photos by Buenos Aires Street Art.

ever buenos aires street artist BA Street Art murals

Latest collaboration by Ever and French artist Mr Kern (photo © BA Street Art)

The pair started the mural three weeks ago after returning from the Latir Latino Street Art Festival in Peru, and completed it a couple of days ago.

ever buenos aires street art BA Street Art murals arte urbano

Evergreen: Chairman Mao (photo © BA Street Art)

ever buenos aires street artist BA Street Art murals mr kern

Inside story – portrait of Ever painting Mao by Mr Kern (photo © BA Street Art)

Check out Buenos Aires Street Art’s interview with Ever and more of his amazing artworks here

Buenos Aires Street Art and Graffiti – BA Street Art