Animalito Land paints new mural in Villa Maipu

Animalito Land finished a new mural in Villa Maipu, Buenos Aires, this week. The artwork has been named Olor de Tierra Mojada meaning ‘The smell of Wet Earth’. Buenos Aires Street Art went down to check it callejero buenos aires argentina grafiti san martin (5)Details and colours – Animalito Land

arte callejero buenos aires argentina grafiti san martin (3)Big mural in Villa Maipu depicting Mother Nature

arte callejero buenos aires argentina grafiti san martin (2)The composition includes floating water creatures and hedgehog-like characters

arte urbano buenos aires animalito land cartoon graffiti argentinaSpray – Animalito Land used more than 70 aerosols to paint the mural.

arte urbano buenos aires animalito land mural villa maipu grafitiFinished mural

Check out more amazing artworks by Animalito Land at





Buenos Aires Street Art and Graffiti – BA Street Art