Today is the birthday of Eva Perón more commonly known as Evita who was born on 7 May 1919 and died of cancer aged 33 on 26 July 1952. This huge mural of Evita in Caseros was painted to commemorate her birth. Photos by Buenos Aires Street Art.

Mural depicting the iconic scene of Evita addressing the ‘shirtless Ones’ on the balcony of the Casa Rosada in Buenos Aires

Mural of Evita with microphone

Evita and Juan Domingo Perón
A second mural depicts a famous photo taken in 1952 of former Argentine president Juan Domingo Perón hugging his wife after receiving a medal from workers.

‘The Hug’ known as ‘El Abrazo’ with Juan Domingo Peron hugging his wife Eva
All photos © Buenos Aires Street Art