Puma Urban Art 2013 in Buenos Aires

Puma Urban Art 2013 took place over the weekend with thousands of people attending the sixth edition of the annual festival at Centro Cultural Recoleta. Photographer Adri Godis was there on Saturday and Sunday.

Men at work – Artists at Puma Urban Art 2013 yesterday

The popular event included live painting and an exhibition of artworks, paintings and toys.

Making their mark

Arists painting using marker pens, aerosols and paintbrushes to create their new artworks.

Hands on

Boxing clever

Martin Varbero

It’s a bug’s life

Ocean spray

The exhibition also included a series of painted surfboards by Martin Varbaro. La Armada Cósmica (below) was among the bands performing live

All photos © Adri Godis for Buenos Aires Street Art

You can check out more of Adri’s photos at www.adrianagodoy.com.ar

Buenos Aires Street Art and Graffiti – BA Street Art