Street artists hit San Telmo

graffiti san telmo buenos aires street art

Street artists including Animalito Land, BlaBla Buto, Clavahead, Dudu, Ktrl-V, Pelos de Plumas, Strawberry Style and  THG hit San Telmo on Sunday and painted new designs on a building after permission was granted by its owners, and the walls and shutters of a local parking garage. The event was organised by Street Arte BA. Check out the photos.

graffiti san telmo buenos aires street art buenosairesstreetart.comPeekaboo – street art in San Telmo by Animalito Land

graffiti buenos aires san telmo street art buenosairesstreetart.comOne giant paste up – by Ktrl-V

arte urbano buenos aires san telmo graffiti buenosairesstreetart.comFace Off – design by BlaBla Buto with Clavahead

buenos aires graffiti street art muralesTHG

graffiti buenos aires san telmo murales pelos de plumas buenosairesstreetart.comPelos de Plumas

arte urbano buenos aires san telmo graffiti buenosairesstreetart.comDudu and Strawberry Style

You can check out the new designs on the corner of the streets Tacuari and Estados Unidos.

Buenos Aires Street Art and Graffiti – BA Street Art