Oz paints senate as dirty pigs after Paraguay president Lugo goes

paraguay president fernando lugo graffiti coup oz montania buenosairesstreetart.com

Oz Montania has painted a great new piece depicting parliamentary politicians as dirty pigs after Paraguay president Fernando Lugo was removed from office on Friday.

paraguay president fernando lugo graffiti coup oz montania buenosairesstreetart.comGraffiti in Paraguay depicting the Senate as pigs

Lugo has since described his removal as a “parliamentary coup” after the Senate voted to impeach him over his handling of clashes between farmers and police last week that left at least 17 people dead.

paraguay president fernando lugo politicos cerdos graffiti coup oz montania buenosairesstreetart.comDon’t feed the animals

Oz’s brilliant design also shows the pigs behind bars with a sign reading “Don’t feed the animals”. Oz’s good friend Ice also painted a great piece with Crayfish in Buenos Aires last year that depicts a ‘corrupt’ Argentine politician as a pig doing a dodgy deal with a mafia boss.

pigs politicians graffiti Ice and Crayfish buenos aires street art argentina graffiti buenosairesstreetart.comDesign by Crayfish and Ice (2011)

Check out more of Oz’s artworks at flickr.com/photos/pyrotaurus/

Buenos Aires Street Art and Graffiti – BA Street Art