Buenos Aires graffiti in National Geographic photo competition

buenos aires graffiti tour photo dan gindling photography

This fantastic photo of Buenos Aires graffiti by Cof, Mab and NM with some construction workers on their lunch break was taken by photographer Dan Gindling on his recent trip to Argentina. The photograph has has been entered in the National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest 2012.

buenos aires graffiti tour photo dan gindling photographyMen at work and graffiti in Buenos Aires (photo © Dan Gindling)

Dan came on our Buenos Aires graffiti tour recently and took some amazing photographs of Buenos Aires street art. You can see more of Dan’s photographs on his website http://dangindling.smugmug.com/

graffiti tour buenos aires buenosairesstreetart.con

The mural by Cof, Mab and NM in Colegiales that was tagged over a few weeks ago.

Buenos Aires Street Art and Graffiti – BA Street Art