Pretty women by Mati Quiroga, Lucio Savant and P Mazzoni Alonso

mati quiroga buenos aires street art BA Street Art Tour

Mati Quiroga, Lucio Savant and Patxi Mazzoni Alonso were each painting portraits of women in Belgrano at the weekend. Mati’s piece is a portrait of French actress Marion Cotillard who starred in the movie A Good Year alongside Russell Crowe, while the other two murals are surreal creations.

mati quiroga buenos aires street art BA Street Art TourMati paints Marion

mazzoni alonso murales buenos aires street art buenosairesstreetart.comPatxi Mazzoni Alonso painting and his earlier artwork (right)

lucio savant artista murales buenos aires street art buenosairesstreetart.comLucio at work

lucio savant mati quiroga buenos aires street art BA Street Art TourMarion Cotillard by Mati Quiroga (right) and unfinished portait by Lucio Savant

buenos aires graffiti murales arte urbanoThree men working on their three ladies

You can check out the artworks next to Belgrano R railway station.

Buenos Aires Street Art and Graffiti – BA Street Art