Concepcion del Uruguay folk music mural painted by Teko

Artists Teko Garrido and Luis Gauna have painted a stunning mural in Concepción del Uruguay, Argentina, celebrating regional folk music. Photos by Buenos Aires Street Art.

Mural by Teko Garrido & Luis Gauna (photo © BA Street Art)

The mural that has become one of the most iconic murals in the city was painted by the local artists in June 2021 to celebrate the inclusion of the costal folk music chamamé on the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage list.

Mural dedicated to chamamé (photo © BA Street Art)

The date of the inauguration coincided with the anniversary of the death of accordionist and composer Abelardo Dimotta who was born in Entre Ríos, and died in Rosario, Santa Fe, on June 15, 1992.  The region that is best known for the chamamé is the basin that unites Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil.

Artwork featuring bird, dance and regional folk music (photo © BA Street Art)

The mural was inaugurated jointly by the Secretary of Culture of Entre Ríos and Villaguay and Federal governments that also held events in their respective cities.

Colourful mural on street corner in Concepción del Uruguay (photo © BA Street Art)

The artwork is located on the corner of Galarza and Antártida Argentina streets at the Residence for Older Adults.

All photos © Buenos Aires Street Art

Buenos Aires Street Art and Graffiti – BA Street Art