Alfredo Segatori paints new trash mural in Palermo

Alfredo Segatori has finished a new mural made from recycled materials on the front of a new bar in Palermo, Buenos Aires. Exclusive photos by Buenos Aires Street Art.

Alfredo Segatori adding the finishing touches to the trash mural

The mural is entitled the ‘Techno Rasta and Thousand-year-old Chinaman’ (“Tecno Rasta y Chino Milenario”) and has been painted on the front of La Covacha Bar in Palermo Hollywood.

Dreadlock door

The entrance to the bar is surrounded by the rasta’s dreadlocks.

Details of the Chinaman with pipe

Techno Rasta

Finished trash mural

Segatori with trash hanging from the ceiling of the bar

The interior of the bar has also been designed by Argentine artist Segatori and features recycled materials including old lamps, records, mannequins,  a computer keyboard and a joystick installed on the walls and ceiling.

Bath time

Above the bar hangs an upside down bath tub.

New look

You can check out the interventions at La Covacha Bar on the corner of Humbolt y Cabrera in Palermo Hollywood.

Buenos Aires Street Art and Graffiti – BA Street Art