MACA paint mural in Villa 21-24 in Buenos Aires

The collective MACA together with volunteers completed a huge mural last week in the biggest villa in Buenos Aires.

villa 21 barracas buenos aires street art murales MACA

The artwork of 370m2 in Villa 21-24 in Barracas took the 13 members of the Museo a Cielo Abierto (MACA)  collective six weeks to complete with help from from neighbours from the area. The project was organised by Catalina Cabrera together with artistic coordinator Julian Zacariaz.

villa 21 buenos aires slum argentina mural street art

Julian told BA Street Art that it was a project that was realised with the help and support of the local community and volunteers: “The theme for the mural came about working with the neighbours through a participative design that we created together relating to origins, vegetation, infancy and the history of the area. We gathered this information during the 15 days that we were working on the design and the result gives us a lot of pride.

villa buenos aires slum favella street art graffiti murales

MACA collective and youngsters painting the mural

villa 24 buenos aires slum barracas favella argentina

Buildings before the mural was painted

Photos by Julian Zacariaz. More information about MACA at

Buenos Aires Street Art and Graffiti – BA Street Art