Los Angeles artist Kiptoe hits Buenos Aires

    • U.S. mural artist Kiptoe has been in Buenos Aires and completed a new  work in Coghlan. Project was organised and sponsored by Buenos Aires Street Art.

los angeles street art mura artist kiptoe buenos aires buenosairesstreetart.com

Kiptoe in front of his new mural entitled ‘Motivación’ in Buenos Aires (photo © BA Street Art)

Kiptoe, 24, who lives in Los Angeles, U.S.A. has been on a tour of Latin America. After painting murals in Bogota, Colombia, he arrived in Buenos Aires this week before finishing this new one he has called ‘Motivación’.

bull mural toro arte knight armour street art buenosairesstreetart.com

The artwork features a medieval knight and a bull (photo © BA Street Art)

Kiptoe spoke with Buenos Aires Street Art about the mural: “It’s about this hero who is trying to go into battle and wants to fulfil his dreams but this girl is messing up his motivations a little bit and her hair is wrapped around his sword and holding him back. He really wants to defeat this big evil bull and the yellow line is surrounding him.”

toro argentino caballero knight bull buenos aires buenosairesstreetart.com

Wrapped up (photo © BA Street Art)

LA street artist Kiptoe buenos aires street art murales ba buenosairesstreetart.com

Painting details on the face (photo © BA Street Art)

kiptoe mural artist buenos aires murals arte urbano proyectos ba street art buenosairesstreetart.com

Beginning work on the bull (photo © BA Street Art)

Originally from New Hampshire, Kiptoe studied illustration at Massachusetts University before moving to LA where he got into painting murals. He said he enjoyed painting in Coghlan: “I’ve had a great time, it’s a nice neighborhood and everyone been really friendly and seems to really like the mural. It’s been a fun few days with bright sunshine and it’s nice to be in Buenos Aires.”

artista callejero buenos aires arte urbano ba street art buenosairesstreetart.com

Finishing details on the armour (photo © BA Street Art)

ba street art buenos aires murales kiptoe buenosairesstreetart.com

Completed mural (photo © BA Street Art)

kiptoe1 buenos aires go pro camera street art buenos aires buenosairesstreetart.com

Action movies (photo © BA Street Art)

Kiptoe describes himself as “an action movie geek”. Many of his murals tell their own stories and are influenced by comic superheroes and action movies and he names Spiderman II, Daredevil, Iron Man and Captain America II as some of his favorites. He also writes movie scripts and edits his own short films and videos.

murales buenos aires ba street art buenos aires street art kiptoe buenosairesstreetart.com

Heroes (photo © BA Street Art)

All photos © Buenos Aires Street Art

Buenos Aires Street Art and Graffiti – BA Street Art