Urban art meeting in Lujan, Buenos Aires

Street artists took part in the second edition of Encuentro Latinamericano de Arte Urbano in Lujan over the weekend. The event started on Friday and finished on Sunday evening with artists painting murals and graffiti in different locations around the city. 

Lujan street art Cof Oz Montania encuentro de arte urbano buenosairesstreetart.comCof and Oz Montania painting last night at Encuentro de Arte Urbano in Lujan, Buenos Aires

3 Cof and OzCollaboration by Oz Montania and Cof at Lujan Bus Terminal

4 Lean FrizzeraLean Frizzera

5 xgaixxgaix

5b xgaix and Jit Martinezxgaiax and Jit Martinez

6 Primo NicoNico from Primo

7 Primo SashaMural by Sasha from Primo

8 RomaRoma

9 Roma and PoetaStaircase painted by Poeta and Roma


Artworks by Nico from Primo, Mati Quiroga with Ale Leonelli, and Milu Correch
12 Milu CorrechMilu Correch

13 GritoGrito

street art lujan buenos aires Mati Quiroga with Ale LeonelliCollaboration between Mati Quiroga with Ale Leonelli (centre)

15 CeesCess painting

16 CeesCess

encuentro arte urbano lujan buenos airesAcra and Luxor (right)

17Luxor and Acra (left)

20A number of artists were also making interventions on canvas outside Museo de Bellas Artes in Lujan


Photos by Adri Godis for Buenos Aires Street Art

For more information check out Encuentro Latinamericano de Arte Urbano en Lujan. Event organised by Lucio Savant.

Buenos Aires Street Art and Graffiti – BA Street Art