Argentina democracy mural painted by THG

THG crew finished painting a huge new mural at the Centro Cultural Adan in Parque Chacabuco on Saturday night that celebrates 30 years of democracy in Argentina. The design took the four artists three days to complete.

argentina democracy mural buenos aires thgTHG crew finishing their new collaboration in Parque Chacabuco

The mural is part of Democracia 30+30, a project organized by the Buenos Aires City Government to commemorate 30 years of democracy in Argentina that began after the end of the military dictatorship in 1983.

democracy argentina mural buenos aires parque chacabuco

Breaking free – removing the chains of repression

The mural features two hands that represent the work of the men, the broken chains represent the end of the repression, the freedom in every environment: water, air and earth symbolised by a condor, a surubi fish and a jaguar –traditional Argentinian animals.

mural democracia 30+30 argentina buenos aires una mirada al futuro THG graffiti (2)

Hands on – palms projecting Argentinian animals

The artwork is located under motorway 25 de Mayo and is called Freedom and Consciousness.

mural parque chacabuco democracia argentina buenos aires graffiti

Animal magic – condor, jaguar and surubi fish

thg crew graffiti buenos aires democracy argentina

Fantastic four – THG Crew (left to right) Bater, Heis, Tekaz and Gone

All photos © Buenos Aires Street Art

Buenos Aires Street Art and Graffiti – BA Street Art