Nanook and Amor new mural in Belgrano

nanook amor buenos aires amor mural street art

Nanook and Amor finished painting a cool new mural in Belgrano a couple of days ago that decorates a long wall at the front of a house. Amor said: “The idea was to mix something related to the mysticism of the universe and make it more real with the presence of a human being.”

nanook graffiti buenos aires amor mural street art buenosairesstreetart.comUniversal – New mural by Amor and Nanook

nanook amor buenos aires amor mural street art buenosairesstreetart.comLazer

nanook amor arte urbano buenos aires mural street art

nanook amor mural buenos aires street art

amor arte callejero buenos aires mural street art

nanook amor arte callejero buenos aires mural street art

Check out the mural at Cazares and Mendoza in Belgrano.

Buenos Aires Street Art and Graffiti – BA Street Art