Gaia and Nanook finished mural at MOS in Buenos Aires

Gaia and Nanook have finished their mural at Meeting of Styles 2012 in Buenos Aires on the front of the GHELCO ice cream factory. Exclusive photos by Buenos Aires Street Art.

gaia street art buenos aires mural

Finished mural by Gaia and Nanook at the GHELCO ice cream factory in Buenos Aires

The design has been carefully created after consultation with the workers and management who have run the factory as a cooperative since 2002

gaia mural buenos aires mural

Voting hand – symbolising voting rights of the workers and management

gaia street art argentina buenos aires mural

41 ice cream cones

gaia street arte urbano buenos aires mural

Site specific

gaia nanook street artist buenos aires mural

Finished mural

Check out our interview with Gaia talking at length about the concept and thinking behind the stunning new mural he has painted with Nanook.

All photos © Buenos Aires Street Art


Buenos Aires Street Art and Graffiti – BA Street Art