Amor and Nice paint house in Villa Pueyrredon

graffiti buenos aires street art tour amor nice

Amor and Nice have just finished painted a great new design on the front of a property in Villa Pueyrredon, Buenos Aires. The environment and the natural world is an important element in their art and their sensitive design includes a mirror image of the outline of tree in front of the building

graffiti buenos aires buenosairesstreetart.comNatural look – tree features in the new intervention by Amor and Nice

graffiti buenos aires street art tour amor nice buenosairesstreetart.comColours of spring

buenos aires graffiti tour nice amorBranching out

You can see how the new design relates to the tree better in the above photo and the mural has really given a great colourful look to the street. Check out more artworks by Amor at

Buenos Aires Street Art and Graffiti – BA Street Art