Artists to paint inside Gustave Eiffel building in Buenos Aires

alfredo segatori murales buenos aires graffiti tour pelado

Street artists will be painting the interior of a famous building in Buenos Aires designed by Gustave Eiffel, the architect of the world famous Eiffel Tower in Paris. The former factory that is now Boutique nightclub was built between 1906 and 1916 with the ironwork and columns designed by Eiffel brought over from France and assembled in Buenos Aires.

boliche boutique after office buenos aires peru 535 museum san telmo buenosairesstreetart.comArtists will be painting the walls of Boutique with its structure designed by Gustave Eiffel

From Tuesday 18th September dozens of well-known Buenos Aires street artists including Martin Ron, Dame, Ice, Lean Frizzera, Pum Pum and Sabrina Amante will be painting the walls of the huge three-storey space. The event is called ‘Wild Style’  and is being run by Argentine muralist Alfredo Segatori and forms part of a larger digital art project entitled ‘Urban Concept’.

alfredo segatori murales buenos aires graffiti tour peladoAlfredo Segatori painting last night

The  artists will also be filmed while they are painting with live images projected on two 4×5 metre screens inside the nightclub and then later edited for a video. Members of the public will also get the chance to see the artists painting live on two days from 7pm.on the evening of 19th and 26th September before the After Office event that is held at Boutique (Peru 535, and corner of Venezuela) every Wednesday.

milu correch artista mujer arbol banco de la ciudad mural buenosa aires street art buenosairesstreetart.comMural by Milu Correch projected on giant screens

BA Street Art is also helping with the project and we have been asking Buenos Aires street artists to send us their favourite photos of their artworks with one image from each being projected on giant screens inside Boutique every Wednesday night.

un cacho del arte peru 535 boutique boliche arte urbano buenosairesstreetart.comDalai Lama street art by Dinamita.

Last night we showed images of Buenos Aires street art by more than 70 different artists on giant screens in front of more than 1,500 people.

georgina ciotti artista argentina boutique nightclub san telmo buenos aires ofelia muralImage of mural in Palermo by Georgina Ciotti

If you are a Buenos Aires graffiti or street artist and would like to have photographs of one of your artworks included in the  digital art project or take part in ‘Wild Style’ please send your photo to along with the title of the featured mural, stencil or graffiti. 

Buenos Aires Street Art and Graffiti – BA Street Art