Street artists paint mural of Simone de Beauvoir in Buenos Aires

simone de beauvoir portrait street art buenos aires

Artists Milu Correch, German Fray and Anita Messina were painting a new portrait of French author Simone de Beauvoir, the mother of modern women’s movement, today in Palermo.

simone de beauvoir portrait street art buenos aires buenosairesstreetart.comGerman Fray painting women’s champion Simone de Beauvoir

De Beauvoir is considered as one of the most influential French women of the 20th century and the philosopher was famous for her liberal views about sex and notoriously had an open ‘marriage’ with the novelist Jean-Paul Satre.

simone de beauvoir retrato street art buenos aires buenosairesstreetart.comCosmo – Milu Correch and German Fray

The collaboration also depicts de Beauvoir sitting down reading a copy of Cosmopolitan magazine and pokes fun at female obsessions such as  fashion, dieting, beauty and shopping  – pass times that Beauvoir wouldn’t approve.

simone de beauvoir mural palermo buenos aires buenosairesstreetart.comGirlie mags  – sex, fashion, diet and shopping. What women want?

anita messina artista buenos aires murales street art buenosairesstreetart.comAnita Messina painting her latest artwork

german fray artista buenos aires street art muralista buenosairesstreetart.comAnother new design by German Fray

You can check out the artworks at Avenida Dorrego and Avenida Cerviño.

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