Three bridges painted by artists at Meeting of Styles

Street artists have painted murals beneath three bridges in Palermo as part of the Meeting of Styles graffiti festival in Buenos Aires. Roma, Highraff, Sam and Gola are still working on their incredible designs by the railway bridge on Paraguay Street and Avenue Juan B Justo and hope to finish the project over the next few days.

Highraff and Roma in Palermo, Buenos Aires

Meanwhile, Emy Mariani, Martin Ron and Lean Frizzera, and Pastel all completed designs under the railway bridge at Avenue Libertador and Avenue Dorrego on Sunday.

Emy Mariani, Martin Ron and Lean Frizzera

And Nice, Amor, Creo, Fauno, Blem, Crud, 187, Duplé, Luz Liquida and Conciencia finished a collaboration under another bridge close to Las Cañitas along Avenue Luis Maria Campos.

Nice, Amor and Narcelio Grud

buenos aires graffiti buenosairesstreetart.comBlem, Creo and Fauno

Check out more photos from Meeting of Styles on BA Street Art’s Facebook page

Buenos Aires Street Art and Graffiti – BA Street Art