Zumi has created two beautiful murals featuring Giant Pandas in Villa Crespo. Photos by Buenos Aires Street Art.

Oriental theme (photo © BA Street Art)
The Argentine street artist often uses oriental themes in her designs. The first mural on the facade of a local bookshop along the street Scalabrini Ortiz features a panda, a lotus flower and a Chinese Pistache tree.

Bookshop in Villa Crespo (photo © BA Street Art)

Mural above wool shop in Villa Crespo (photo © BA Street Art)
The second mural above another local wool shop features a panda with a Himalayan mountain scene in the background.

Mountain tops (photo © BA Street Art)
4 replies on “Marina Zumi new panda murals in Buenos Aires”
Muy bueno!! Pueden subir las direcciones de los lugares donde ven estas obras de arte??
Matt Fox-Tucker
La primera está en la calle Scalabrini Ortiz y Jufre. La secunda obra está dos cuadras de ahi a la vuelta.
Hay forma de contactar a ZUMI? tengo una vieja casa Colonial en San Telmo
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