Cairo street art: Children of the Revolution

Street artists in Cairo have been paying homage to the martyrs of the revolution in Egypt by painting dozens of murals honouring those who died trying to overthrow the regime of former president Hosni Mubarak.

Mural of Islam Rafat who died during the Egyptian revolution

In Tahrir Square in the centre of Cairo is a mural of Islam Rafat, 18, painted by Egyptian artist Ganzeer. It is one of the many portraits of the young men and women who lost their lives during the protests fighting for democracy, freedom and equality.

Remembered: Seif Alá Mustafa

The image of student Seif Alá Mustafa, 16, adorns a building in front of the Supreme Court where violent confrontations took place between police and protestors. During the revolution, 685 people died and more than 5,000 were injured between 25th January and 11th February.

Messages in English and Arabic commemorate the January revolution

Many of the artists who painted the graffiti are unknown but several form part of a project by art students from the University of Cairo. A number of the murals feature the red, white and black colours of the Egyptian flag.

News report on Argentina’s Telenoche showing the street art in Cairo

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