A general strike across 33 hospitals and health clinics in Buenos Aires started today following the dispute between the city and national governments over police patrols. There’s no shortage of Buenos Aires graffiti featuring the police as our pictures show.

Artwork by Grolou (photo: © BA Street Art)
Doctors and nurses have been calling for more security after the removal of Federal Police from public buildings including schools and hospitals belonging to the City Government.

Stencil propaganda: No to the police of Macri (photo: © BA Street Art)
Like in cities such as New York and London, Buenos Aires also has its own Metropolitan Police force which was created by mayor Mauricio Macri in 2008. The Met Police is run by the City Government while the Federal Police is managed by the national government. These political differences between the two governments are one of the main reasons for policing problems in the capital.

Graffiti featuring the four elements of hip hop (photo: © BA Street Art)

Stencil graffiti in Buenos Aires reading: “We are here to look after you” (photo: © BA Street Art)
Some Met Police officers in BA as in NYC and London also carry Taser stun guns

“It will be better without the police” (photo: © BA Street Art)
Crime and insecurity are big problems in Argentina as well as corruption within the police force itself. The documentary film El Rati Horror Show (in Spanish) shows how one police precinct falsified evidence that led to the conviction and imprisonment of Fernando Carrera, a father-of-three who ran over and killed three people in the barrio of Nueva Pompeya while fleeing from the police.