Mariano Ferreyra political stencil graffiti is all over Buenos Aires and are particularly common around Plaza de Mayo and along Avenida de Mayo where you can find an abundance of political graffiti.
Mariano Ferreyra present (photo © BA Street Art)
The 23-year-old labour activist, who was a member of the Partido Obrero (Workers’ Party), was shot dead on 20th October in the neighbourhood of Barracas during a clash between trade unionists and militants.

Sencils in Av de Mayo, Palermo, Pl de Mayo and ‘Pedraza Killer” in Av de Mayo (photo © BA Street Art)
(Above top right) stencils in Av de Mayo, Palermo, Pl de Mayo and ‘Pedraza Killer” in Av de Mayo (photo © BA Street Art)
Protestors gathered in the main hall of Constitución Railway Station on Thursday night demanding that the head of the Unión Ferroviaria (Railway Union), José Pedraza, and his deputy Juan Carlos Fernández, both of whom they accuse of Ferreyra’s murder, be sent to jail for their part in his death.
Thousands of people have attended marches and protests over the last three months against the violence but still no persons have been brought to justice for his death.