More than 40 street artists finished painting new artworks on the third floor of Boutique nightclub in San Telmo last…
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Street artists paint inside Buenos Aires nightclub

More than 30 street artists have been painting new designs inside the nightclub Boutique in San Telmo. The project called…
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Circle of life – interview with Cuore

Carolina Favale paints under the pseudonym “Cuore” and is one of the most inspirational street artists working in Buenos Aires….
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Street artists paint wonderwall in La Plata, Buenos Aires

Street artists finished painting an incredible wall in La Plata last night that features scenes from stories by the well-known…
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Street art in Lujan at Museo de Bellas Artes

More than 20 street artists took part in a live painting event at the Museo de Bellas Artes Férnan Félix…
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Artists decorate courtyard at El Quetzal in Palermo

Cuore, Ene Ene, Malegria and Pelos de Plumas completed an amazing series of artworks together over the weekend in the courtyard…