Diego Roa painted a new mural in Colegiales a few weeks ago featuring two portraits.
Colegiales street art
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Denver street artist Detour paints mural with Pyramyd in Colegiales
Detour was staying in Buenos Aires a couple of weeks ago and found time to paint this new mural in…
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Malegria and Sasha new mural in Colegiales
Malegria and Sasha (Primo) teamed up a couple of weeks ago to create this new mural at the Mercado de…
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Celine Hitier paints mural of Alice in Colegiales
Celine Hitier has painted a beautiful mural in Colegiales entitled ‘Alice and the Porteño Rabbit’ (Alicia y el Conejo Porteño).
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Mab, Piki and Ninya new street art in Colegiales
Mab, Piki and Ninya teamed up to paint this colourful new mural featuring some cool cartoon characters on the grey…
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Bright eyes: stunning new mural by Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada
Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada has created a stunning new piece on his latest trip to Buenos Aires. The Cuban-born street artist hit…
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Strike action: new design by Cabaio Stencil
Cabaio Stencil has painted a cool new artwork in Colegiales depicting one of Argentina’s most popular pass-times – going on…
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Colegiales new street art by Cabaio Stencil
Cabaio Stencil have painted a great new stencil entitled ‘Malviviente’ or ‘Criminal’ in Colegiales. The design also features the words…