Bastardilla and GLeo new street art in Buenos Aires

Bastardilla and GLeo were in Buenos Aires a few weeks ago and painted a spectacular new mural together in Congreso. Exclusive photos by Buenos Aires Street Art.

bastardilla gleo murales ba arte urbano buenos aires graffiti buenos

New collaboration by the two Colombian artists (photo © BA Street Art)

The project was organised by CineMigrante to coincide with the 7th International Cinema Festival held in Buenos Aires in October.

gleo bastardilla graffiti mural buenos aires street art

The mural is located in Plaza del Congreso (photo © BA Street Art)

bastardilla graffiti gleo ba graffiti buenos aires

The mural was organised by CineMigrante (photo © BA Street Art)

bastardilla graffiti colombia argentina face buenos aires street art

The stunning artwork includes four hand-held mirrors  and reflections (photo © BA Street Art)

urbana artista bastardilla graffiti arte urbano buenosaires

The artwork also features a bird clutching a match in its beak (photo © BA Street Art)

murales ba street art buenos aires graffiti bastardilla gleo

New look in the Congreso neighbourhood (photo © BA Street Art)

Mural by Bastardilla (photo © BA Street Art)

Bastardilla has also painted another stunning mural in Buenos Aires.

Child pushing roll of barbed wire by Bastardilla (photo © BA Street Art)

All photos © Buenos Aires Street Art

Buenos Aires Street Art and Graffiti – BA Street Art