Gualicho has finished painting a new mural in Isla Maciel, Buenos Aires, he has called ‘Hexagonario’. Isla Maciel in the county of Avellaneda is one of the oldeset and poorest neighbourhoods in Buenos Aires and street artists have been working on new murals as part of a project called ‘Pintó la isla’ to improve the area.New mural by Argentine street artist Gualicho called ‘Hexagonario’ in Villa Maciel
The wallpaper-like design features a pattern of ‘elodeas’ – an algae common in the Rio de La Plata – and Gualicho has mixed it with other organic and abstract shapes that are knitted together in a hexagonal structure.
Gualicho said: “I left the background as it was, because I love the colours that were left on the wall with the passing of time. An important part of this place is the construction of ‘conventillos’, very old houses (occupied by many different families) made from wood and metal sheets. Other parts are ‘villas miserias’ very, poor houses, than have nothing to do with the picturesque ‘favelas’ of Brazil.”