The Wall Mania – new mural by Jaz

Jaz has painted a fantastic new piece for The Wall Mania project in Plaza del Congreso featuring 12 faceless figures wearing school uniforms rummaging through a pile of books. It’s the third artwork in a series for a campaign for Roger Waters The Wall tour in Argentina.

The Wall Mania jaz BA Street Art Tours buenos aires plaza del congreso buenosairesstreetart.comBook frenzy: new artwork by Jaz in Congreso

Might Jaz’s artwork be referring to Waters’ famous lyrics from the classic Pink Floyd song Another brick in the wall ? ‘No dark sarcasm in the classroom. Teachers, leave them kids alone.’

The Wall Mania jaz BA Street Art Tours buenos aires plaza del congreso buenosairesstreetart.comWe don’t need no education

The Wall Mania jaz BA Street Art Tours buenos aires plaza del congreso buenosairesstreetart.comFully Booked

Run Dont Walk and Mart painted the first two murals for the project entitled The Wall Mania in Palermo recently You can check out their designs here

Buenos Aires Street Art and Graffiti – BA Street Art