Whale man new street art by Corona and Roma

buenos aires graffiti tour roma street artist buenosairesstreetart.com

Street artists Corona and Roma completed their latest project yesterday, an artwork they’ve nicknamed ‘El hombre de la ballena’ or ‘Whale Man’.

buenos aires graffiti tour roma street artist buenosairesstreetart.comStreet artist Roma painting – shapes and ladders

The design in the barrio of Villa Crespo has been painted on the facade of a ‘polleria’ or poultry shop and it took two days to finish. It features a crying man by Corona, a whale and a brightly coloured character painted by Roma. “One passerby remarked that they thought the character Corona has painted next to the whale, resembles a mermaid but it’s a man,” said Roma. “So I guess we can call it Whale Man (el hombre de la ballena)!”

buenos aires graffiti corona artista street art buenosairesstreetart.comA teardrop in the ocean – Corona painting

Corona explained how his collaboration with Roma came together. “The idea was to renovate the wall. Each of us has painted a character showing their upper bodies and they join together in the middle in a carnival of colours. We were working a lot with the subject of the colours, the blues and the reds and how they fuse together. It was also a challenge for me as it was the first time I’ve painted a hand.”

buenos aires graffiti roma corona murales street art buenosairesstreetart.comHelping hand: Roma adds the final touches

buenos aires graffiti arte callejero street art corona roma buenosairesstreetart.comJob done – finished mural

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