Artists painting new murals at Federico Lacroze metro station

Animalito Land, Ice, Luxor and Oz Montania have been painting some fantastic new murals inside Federico Lacroze subway station on Line B (Linea B). Project curated by Buenos Aires Street Art. Exclusive photos by Buenos Aires Street Art.

murales federico lacroze estacion artistas arte urbano subte

Ice beginning work on part of the huge mural at Federico Lacroze metro station on Linea B in Buenos Aires

The theme is an Amazonian rain forest full of animals such as iguanas, caterpillars, piranhas, birds, insects and the artists’ own creations.

federico lacroze street art murales buenos aires


The murals along the platform in the direction of J. M. de Rosas span a length of 110 metres and are seen by tens of thousands of commuters a day.

BA subte estacion federico lacroze murales buenos aires street art

Animalito Land

estacion federico lacroze artistas murales buenos aires


curaduria por Buenos Aires Street Art murales subte estaciones buenos aires


arte subte buenos aires murales linea b

Oz Montania

animalito land street art artista buenos aires estacion subte buenos aires

Animalito Land

luxor artista la plata subte buenos aires


subte arte buenos aires street art

Characters by Animalito Land and Oz Montania

BA Subte buenos aires murales Federico Lacroze

Oz Montania

subte buenos aires murales federico lacroze street art


The project was curated by Buenos Aires Street Art and is part of an initiative by SBASE (Subterraneos de Buenos Aires) to renovate stations along Linea B and other parts of the metro network.

To check out photos of artists El Marian, Jiant Primo and Malegria painting the second platform click here.

All photos © Buenos Aires Street Art

Buenos Aires Street Art and Graffiti – BA Street Art