Animal cruelty new mural by Patxi in Almagro

Cruelty to animals and animals in danger is the subject of a new mural by Patxi Mazzoni Alonso that the Argentine street artist finished this weekend in Almagro., Buenos Aires.

animales en peligro mural buenos aires murales

Inside – new animal mural by Patxi Mazzoni Alonso

The mural features five different animals some of which are his own designs. They are a deer from the Argentine pampas, a red fox, black rhino, an African elephant and a red fox. Patxi said: “Daily acts like the incarceration, maltreatment and hunting of animals attracts the interest of only a small percentage of the population but the extinction of a species due to these acts is a big concern.” He added: “The mural relates to creatures that can barely  fit into the frame of a painting because the space is so tiny. So limited are their opportunities to live freely, so small is the space in the cages in which man gives them a ‘home’, the same cages that humans use to imprison people who are misfits or a threat to society and they are put behind bars for the crimes they have committed.”

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Lines symbolizing animals in captivity and confined spaces

elefante zoologico buenos aires mural

Grey fox and African elephant

bike tour buenos aires graffiti

All photos © Buenos Aires Street Art

Buenos Aires Street Art and Graffiti – BA Street Art